Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml

TabletBox Nagercoil
Anaesthesia - Local | Neon Laboratories Ltd
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Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml
Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml
Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml
Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml
Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml
Short Description:

Anawin 0.25mg Injection 20ml is used for Anaesthesia - Local. This contains Bupivacaine 0.25% w/v

*This medicine need prescription


Bupivacaine 0.25% w/v

₹46.03 ₹49.5 7% off

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Delivery on Sun, 23 Feb | All over India

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Local anesthesia (Numb tissues in a specific area)